Angels Comments
This world has changed in so many ways since I was 18 years old. I was at the beginning of learning how to use a computer. People were more sociable and interacted with with one another. Today we have automated cars, phones, computers and buy food by scanning the items ourselves. We have become an automated world. We also have the RFID Tags to keep track of our pets. And GPS applications if we get lost or lose a loved one in phones and car systems.
This world has changed a great deal; however I feel that we need to return to some basic rules. The first rule is love thy neighbor; meaning that we should help one another. Times are hard and people are really struggling. They are losing their jobs, homes, lifestyles, and families are being torn apart. I'm sure that there are more arguments over money in families then ever before.
The children are working to help their parents because we can no longer survive on one income, two incomes and some cases three. Those days are gone. So I say, we should pull together in one accord and help our communities. If our neighbor is struggling and you've noticed changes in the home environment, but you just don't know how to approach them. I suggest leaving a bag a food at their door step, books or clothes.
We have to give to those in need. Don't always expect to get something in return. Everyone is struggling right now. Perhaps they want to give back to society, their church, family member, pay their bills on time, but can't. Maybe you can offer a ride to work or the store to people you know that are struggling.
Everyone needs a hand up. This is my way of giving people a hand up. Lets quit being so judgmental of others, but rather choose to see the good in everyone. It's not our place to judge people. It's human to be judgmental, but remember we will be judged just harshly as we judge others. I don't mean by God alone, but by society. Because someone is different from you, doesn't mean that they don't have morals, a believe system, or even faith in higher being. Let's leave that to the man upstairs.
And one more thing,while your driving around town, don't judge the people who are begging for money. We haven't walked a mile in their shoes. We don't know or understand their inner suffering. If you don't want to give them money. Buy them food if you can afford it. Or pack an extra meal and pass it on to the the person in need on your way to work. If you can afford it. You can also buy the trial size toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, and a small bar of soap. Prepare small baggies. Remember that not everyone is approachable. But try to do good while your still on this earth and make your mark on their hearts of the people you touch and not necessarily the world.
I know that some people are disappointed in some religious groups. False leaders and poor leaders have been around for centuries. That will never change. You have to test their teachings. Remember they are human beings not higher beings. They have flaws. Read and incline to your own understanding. If your curious about a group see what kind of people they produce. They won't be judgmental, hateful, bitter and cruel. If they are? Your in the wrong place...
Realize that family is very important and staying together during these hard economic times is vital to you and your families survival. Help your kids out, help your mother and father. If your brother needs help; give it to him. Don't ask for anything in return and don't expect anything in return.
Parents drive your kids to school or help them in small ways. Give them portions of food and cleaning products if they are living alone an an apartment. If they are struggling allow them to come home, but work together to reach an agreement. Such as: You can move in and we can help each other out. And we will agree to disagree on some points of view. Then allow that family member space to think about it.
Whatever happened to back yard bar b ques? How do you know that your neighbor is hungry and perhaps they don't have the money to feed their kids. Invite them over. I truly believe that if we make changes in our behavior towards others. People will change their point of view or perspective. I know this from experience. Just when thought that everyone in the world was bitter, hateful, self-fish, cruel and lost hope. I found a group of people who taught me to be a better person, stronger individual and even helped me without asked for anything in return.
In closing we must respect one another. We don't have to agree on everything. But we should come together in one accord. That's what our nation was founded on. Freedom... Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, our soldiers give their lives every day without asking for anything return except a thank you. Their memorials or not the place to fight political wars. It is because if them that the people that choose to do so can. It's is because if them (our soldiers) that we have the freedom of speech. But don't abuse that privilege.
Whether you believe in Karma, pay it forward, Jesus, Jehovah or humanity; this is the time to act! Now is the time to help one another. We have to become united again. Remember One NATION under God.
Lets quit road rage, fear of teaching a new person a job, because your afraid of losing your own. That doesn't make you a leader. It's actually a cowards way of getting through life. We have to have accountability for actions and follow through with great examples. Lead...
Thank your for reading my blog. God bless everyone and God bless our nation and the world. May we find peace and be in one accord. Be true leaders and teachers. Teach by example.
Donna C. Ledesma
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